The default file is mac.code, which is for rtf-files made by Macintosh programs. (These files have the rtf-control-word \mac at the beginning.) You have to use the file ansi.code for rtf-files made by DOS or WINDOWS (rtf-control-word \ansi)) Both of these files comprise the most important characters. If you need more, you will be able to add more in a very easy way. You can create your own file as follows:
A comment must be written in the first line of the file. Then the lines with the characters follow. The rtf-number of the character (from 128 to 255) is at the beginning of each line. Then the LaTeX command (a string) follows after a single space. A comment can be written after the 25th column. You needn't include all numbers from 128 to 256. There are no tab-stops allowed.
Here is an example of a file: (for an example of a whole file see mac.code)
nr | LaTeX-command | comment |
193 | \'{A} | /* e1 */ |
194 | \∧{A} | /* e2 */ |
195 | \∼{A} | /* e2 */ |